Data Vendors

FirstRate Data | 10 tick data for major stocks and ETFs (csv file downloads only, no API)
Kibot | 20-25 years of 1-minute/5-minute and tick data. Only sells bundles, not individual tickers
Tick Data | Specializes in tick data. Institutional quality and accordingly expensive
QuantQuote | Expensive but solid source for stock tick data, has a good collection of delisted stocks
DX Feed | Comprehensive collection of US and historical stock tickers, csv downloads and APIs.


AQR Insights | Research and market analysis from the AQR hedge fund
AllocateSmartly | Asset allocation and trading strategies
Think New Found | The Market Research Library of Newfound Research
Oxford Capital Strategies | Advanced quant trading strategies
Quant At Risk | Crypto quant finance AI trading strategies
QuantStart | Tutorials, guides and lessons on quantitative finance
QuantStrat TradeR | Trading, Quant strat, R, and more.
Build Alpha | Technical market analysis and strategy development
QuantStrat TradeR | Trading, Quant strat, R, and more.
Mathematical Investor | Quant investing and trading analysis.